Podcast Guest

Deanna van Lear
Kidney Walk National Director, National Kidney Foundation
With over 15 years of walks under her belt, Deanna van Lear brings a distinct level of expertise to her role as the Kidney Walk National Director. Deanna started out managing walks in the DC area with the March of Dimes, gaining valuable insight into the relationship building required to successfully manage the job. Now in her role at the National Kidney Foundation where she has been for over 11 years, Deanna uses that relationship knowledge, as well as, data to drive strategic growth for the Kidney Walk Program. In her spare time, Deanna enjoys spending time with her 3.5 year old and 1.5 year old and dabbling in photography and yes she has photographed a few walks in her day…who better to know the best shots to take than someone who has seen it from all sides!