Considering A/B testing for your event, campaign or outreach tactic? Wondering what A/B testing is?
A process for improvement rooted in A/B testing, can help you know when things improve, and by how much.
A/B testing is a process where you experiment with ideas you think will produce a positive impact. Typically you test your original baseline against a new variation, referred to as “A” and “B.” You randomly send the variations to users, monitor outcomes, and compare the results to see if your new version outperforms the original. You’re not limited to two variations, and you can even test multiple variables in what is known as a multivariate test. The more options or more specific your goal, the more traffic you need to get results.
For more information on how A/B testing was used to optimize the MuckFest® MS event series website, check out this August 2014 blog post featured by Event 360.