Some peer-to-peer campaigns operate on the 100% model (e.g. Pelotonia, charity: water) in which every dollar raised by peer-to-peer fundraisers is allocated directly to the cause and not to overhead expenses.
This model — possible because of an accounting approach in which sponsor contributions cover overhead – is controversial. It’s loved by some in our field because it can boost fundraiser success and detested by others because it leads consumers to the false assumption that fundraising efforts can be costless.
Now comes word of a Scottish P2P campaign that has figured out how to yield more than 100 percent.
Kiltwalk, a series in which participants don kilts for their journey, promises 140% of the money raised by participants goes to support the Scottish charity of the walker’s choice.
The “magic” is possible due to a 40% matching gift pledge (up to £5,000 per walker) by supporter Sir Thomas Hunter and The Hunter Foundation.
That amazing incentive catapulted Kiltwalk to the list of the top 25 peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns in the U.K. published by Massive.
Check out my recent Forbes column to learn about three other innovative, fast-growing UK campaigns worth following.