
Mary Sorensen
Director, Field Resource Development
Mary Sorensen joined the NAMI National Staff in January 2022 and is the Director of Field Resource Development. In her role, she provides direct program management, consulting, training, resource development and support to NAMI field organizations across the country to help grow revenue for the NAMIWalks program. Based in Chicago, she has spent 16 years in the peer-to-peer fundraising sector, helping to raise funds and awareness for nonprofit organizations in Illinois and across the country.

Morgan Sills
National Senior Manager, Field Resource Development
Morgan Sills joined the NAMI National Staff in May 2021 and is a Senior Manager for the Field Resource Development Team. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Morgan has spent the last 11 years in fundraising positions for major nonprofits and has worked on a variety of successful peer-to-peer events.

Kelsey Stellman
Client Success Advisor, Donordrive
Kelsey Stellman joined DonorDrive in 2018 as a Customer Support Specialist, and moved into the role of Client Success Advisor in 2020. She works directly with clients to provide platform expertise, best practices, and development tools to ensure they are successful.